WWW Access Statistics for the last 12 months

Hits by Month

Short statistics for April 2004 (updated more frequently)
Month Hits Files Cached Pageviews Sessions KB sent
April 2004 4607 3835 702 1466 342 85122
March 2004 75568 55448 18392 26199 5076 1278831
February 2004 73941 60306 11924 24033 4686 1384474
January 2004 200984 145435 52582 63546 7865 3601586
December 2003 209759 153034 53158 73722 16189 3390428
November 2003 102196 85578 15236 30829 5775 1976964
October 2003 74430 63288 8852 22956 5295 1632887
September 2003 76838 63607 10337 22913 4899 1748476
August 2003 53215 45104 6625 17014 4299 1243261
July 2003 58881 49972 7602 19325 4615 1375068
June 2003 52422 44009 6686 17547 4142 1144793
May 2003 58862 50120 7053 19690 5065 1249006
Total 1041703 819736 199149 339240 68248 20110892
Average 86808 68311 16595 28270 5687 1675908

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http-analyze 2.4 03/Apr/2004 01:46